Point Loma-Ocean Beach

Cottage Antiques
4873 Newport Ave.

English country cottage style antiques at this rather homey store, specializing in items such as english chintz china, sterling silver and staffordshire dogs.

Downwind Marine
2804 canon

2804 canon st, +1 619 224-2733, (http://www.downwindmarine.com/). boating materials, supplies, and equipment are available here.

Karen’s Consignment Gallery

The place to go for silver, crystal, china, oriental rugs and lamps, and has been highly rated since opening day.

Newport Avenue Antiques
4836 Newport Avenue

Well known amongst antique collectors for the range of antique lighting and cigar and smoking accessories.

Newport Avenue in Ocean Beach offers a great variety of unique stores and boutiques. Any demographic can find something down Ocean Beach's main street. Once a week, typically on a Wednesday, you'll find a farmers market. The market offers food, fresh produce and other fare as well as live entertainment and small attractions. It takes up the entire two main blocks of the shopping district and typically lasts from 4-8pm.


Antique store on newport avenue.

Seabreeze Limited

1254 scott st, +1 619 223-8989, (http://www.seabreezelimit...). m-sa 10am-6pm, su 10am-4pm. a lot of boating products here, like navigational charts, sailing guides, plotting tools, and nautical-themed books and gifts.